I have posted this letter in order to understand the motives of blade muslims
Media Enquiries:
Sheikh Anjem Choudary, Manager of the Shariah Court of the UK and former spokesman for Al-Muhajiroun 0044 7956 600 569
General Enquiries:
Abu Baraa, Chairman for organisation Shariah4Hind: 0044 7856 827 605
Abu Rumaysah, former hindu and spokesman for organisation Convert2Islam: 0044 7956 041 034
The Shari'ah 4 Hind project is not a new phenomenon but rather a call for the Indian sub-continent to go back to its glorious golden period under the divine law, in order for it to come out of the misery and malaise under which it finds itself today. This involves a call for all those in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan to come out of the darkness of man made law and unite together under the beauty and justice of Islam. The Shari'ah is the divine law as contained in the Qur'an and the Sunnah according to the understanding of the companions of the Messenger Muhammad (saw).
The recent history of the Indian sub-continent is fraught with hardship, poverty, racism and oppression. We are not calling for people to go back to 1971 or 1947 or even 1857 but rather to before the British occupied India and to the example of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) on how to govern the affairs of Muslims and non-Muslims. The current leadership and political parties of all persuasions on this sub-continent offer no more than the same indignity and servitude to fellow human beings who are subject to greed, inconsistency, contradiction and injustice.
It was the British, who in 1947 split up India into various state-lets leading to bloodshed and mayhem. This resulted in the biggest migration of people ever. This episode of history also saw the sons and daughters of India and the new found Pakistan look to the west for guidance and many in fact migrated to Europe for what they thought was a better life. How ironic that the children and grandchildren of those emigrants have gone back to their roots and the truth of the divine law and are today calling for Muslims to take back what is rightfully theirs i.e. the authority to implement the Shari'ah over the whole of India and its surrounding countries.
We therefore call upon Muslims everywhere to rise up and speak the truth, to call for what is theirs, for those who have a deep understanding of Islam and can culture the masses about the truth of the Islamic way of life to go back to the lands of their forefathers and bring about the revival with the help of Allah. Let not the pure objectives of those before us, such as the Muhammad Bin Qasim At-Thaqafi, who began the conquest of India and the latter Khilafah movement who attempted to restore the divine law in India, die. Rather the time is rife today to make the shari'ah sweep across India and insha'allah from there to the whole world. Let us take a lesson from the Arab spring and rise up against the tyrants in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. But let us not make the mistake of calling for the false idols of democracy and freedom but rather the truth of Islam and the Khilafah.
Some of the many problems that a united Indian sub-continent will resolve are the troubles in Kashmir, the problem of Ayodha mosque, the discrimination in Gujarat, the inner cities slums as in Mumbai, exploitation and widespread bribery, the presence of foreign forces (as in Afghanistan), public idolatry, the inhuman caste system, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and pornography, the use of men and women's gender for monetary gain, usury, gambling, the boom and bust of the capitalist economic model etc... please contact us and explore this site for more details. Moreover all non-Muslims will be given the Zimmi status where their life and wealth will be protected in return for obeying the divine law of the land who will never be asked to be part of the Muslim armies whose job it will be to expand the frontiers of the Islamic State (into China, Indonesia, Malaysia etc...) and protect it from its enemies.
With a united Indian sub-continent and with the annexation of the Muslims around it from China, Indonesia, Malaysia etc... we will have united together over a billion Muslims, creating a superpower unparallel in the world. It being obliged for every mature, sane and capable Muslim man to be part of the armies of Jihad, this will be the beginning of the end of man made law on the Earth insha'allah and could fulfil the prophecy of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) i.e. Izhar ud-Deen, the complete domination of the world by Islam.
This renewed campaign is already well underway and will have as one of its milestones an upcoming massive demonstration and press conference calling for the truth in major cities across India starting with Delhi soon insha'allah. We call upon all the serious Islamic movements and scholars to support this call, especially their physical support on the streets with the Muslims masses insha'allah.
May Allah (SWT) bless our efforts to please him and accept all our deeds to be purely for his sake insha'allah.
00961 7095 7759 Sheikh Omar Bakhri Muhammad |
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