The Kalari Gurukkal is responsible in creating the proper environment for nurturing self discipline in the student and in turn he is revered by the students as the direct representative of the entire line of Gurus. The Gurukkal under goes special training in meditation, mantras and the Kalari system of medicine known as Kalari Chikilsa. Thus he plays a duel role of martial art master as well as healer.
The training of the student in the kalari begins at a very early age of 9-years with an initiation ritual performed by the Gurukkal. Attendance in the kalari is made a part of the daily routine and he goes through a series of symbolic rituals every day, before and after practice to acquire discipline and concentration. Kalarippayat training is mainly divided into three parts called Meithari (body preparative exercises) Kolthari (training in wooden weapons) and Ankathari (training in combat weapons)
Wearing a Katcha or loin cloth and smearing his body with oil, the student after prostrating before the deities and the Gurukkal begins his initial training with the Meithari system which forms the foundation for the entire repertoire of Kalarippayat training.
Wearing a Katcha or loin cloth and smearing his body with oil, the student after prostrating before the deities and the Gurukkal begins his initial training with the Meithari system which forms the foundation for the entire repertoire of Kalarippayat training.
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