Its a matter of truth unknowingly under enemies hat-----------

Removal of poverty, empowerment of women, measures to protect
environment, fighting for the rights of displaced or tribal people are all
genuine and admirable objectives. Every liberal-minded and true citizen
of this country will support such activities. However, the Civic Society
activists use these slogans only to hide their real and sinister objective
of promoting divisive tendencies among the people of India. So, it
becomes essential to remove the veil of this deception and expose their
real intention of encouraging all divisive forces in the country with the
ultimate objective of disintegration of India. They have a very strong
national and international network. They operate with military precision
and strategy. They have sympathizers in government, press and
bureaucracy. Most of them are highly educated intellectuals and
academicians. They support every separatist movement and oppose all
developmental activities in the country. It is a great mystery that all
most all members of National Advisory Committee (NAC) led by
Smt.Sonia Gandhi fall in this category. It will be naive to believe that it
is accidental. We need change, but not destruction. Following article is
an effort in that direction.
Born in a poor family in Bhingar village in Ahmedabad district of
Maharashtra, Anna
Hazare has studied only up to 7th standard. He joined the Indian army as
a driver in 1963. During his spare time he used to read the works of
Gandhi, Vivekananda and Vinoba Bhave and inspired by such works, he
became a Gandhian. He opted for voluntary retirement from army and
came to Relegan Siddhi village in Ahmednagar in 1975 to become a
social worker. Under his guidance, the local villagers undertook a lot of
development work like afforestation programme, check dam
construction, watershed development programme and made necessary
changes in the crop pattern and also took steps to increase milk
production. By initiating such development work in the village, he soon
transformed this poverty-ridden village into one of the richest villages in
India . In this self-sustained model village, energy is produced from
solar power, biofuel and wind mills.
Anna Hazare is a simple and honest man, but he is also a fearless
crusader against corruption. He had become a terror for the corrupt
politicians and bureaucrats in Maharashtra as his non-violent fight
against corruption in the past had led to resignation of many such
corrupt ministers and officials in the state. In early 2000s, a movement
led by Anna Hazare had forced the state government to pass the
Maharashtra Right to Information Act, which was later used by the
Centre as a base paper for framing its own RTI Act. Hazare's latest
crusade against corruption was the fast unto death agitation that he had
launched from April 5th, 2011 at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi with the
backing of civil society groups, seeking a stronger Jan Lokpal bill
incorporating the recommendations from the draft bill prepared by civil
society activists Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kagrival and Karnataka
Lokayukta Santosh Hegde. Earlier Anna Hazare and his civil society
supporters had outrightly rejected the draft Lokpal bill prepared by the
Group of Ministers appointed by the government, as toothless and
ineffective. Meanwhile, senior cabinet minister Sharat Powar had
resigned from the Group of Ministers appointed for preparing the draft
bill following strong criticism by Hazare over the inclusion of people
like Sharat Powar in the Group of Ministers.
Anna Hazare’s fast unto death agitation seeking a strong Jan Lokpal Act
to curb corruption had evoked spontaneous and nation-wide support
from all across the country. In 100 cities across India , there were
symbolic protest programmes on April 5, in support of Hazare's “India
Against Corruption” agitation in Delhi . Civil society leader Medha
Patkar led the protest demonstration in Mumbai, where as Mallika
Sarabhai led the same in Ahmedabad. The press and the electronic
media, especially the English media, had given wide coverage to the
event and there were extensive debates over Hazare’s anti-corruption
agitation on every major TV channel in India . There was also running
commentary on the progress of Hazare’s ‘fast unto death’ programme
and related developments on some of the important TV channels in the
country. No other event in the recent history of India attracted so much
public and media attention as Hazare’s fast unto death agitation in Delhi
. Suddenly Hazare became a national icon and people from different
parts of the country started pouring into Jantar Mantar in Delhi in
support of his fast unto death agitation. The sudden emergence of Anna
Hazare as a saviour of the nation gave him a larger than life image, and
the UPA government looking for a way out, showed clear signs of panic.
Finally on April 8th, a jittery government conceded his demand to
constitute a joint committee of senior ministers and civil society activists
to draft a new bill to establish the institution of Lokpal at the Centre and
a triumphant Anna Hazare ended his fast unto death agitation on 9th
April, after the government issued a gazette notification constituting a
ten-member joint Committee of senior ministers and civil society
activists to draft an effective Lokpal Bill.
How is it that, Anna Hazare, whose popularity was hitherto confined
only to Maharashtra , suddenly emerged as a national icon and how did
his movement take the nation by storm? The truth is that the
unprecedented media coverage of the event and the running commentary
on the progress of Hazare’s ‘fast unto death’ agitation by the electronic
media had almost paralyzed the nation for a week and it also helped to
create a halo around Anna Hazare. The hype around Anna Hazare’s fast
unto death agitation had also brought to light Hazare’s humble
background and simple lifestyle and his successful fight against
corruption in the past. Coming at a time when the people of India are
extremely angry and agitated over the magnitude of corruption in India,
as have been brought out through scams like 2G Spectrum, CWG and
Adarsh Society, they were highly impressed by the honesty, simplicity
and the past record of Hazare as a crusader against corruption and they
wholeheartedly supported his “India against corruption” movement. The
turn of events not only elevated him to the status of a national icon, but a
section of the media even started projecting Hazare as a second
‘Mahatma’ in the making.
Civil Society Groups
Unlike the past agitational programmes of Anna Hazare, his present
‘India Against Corruption’ movement was totally planned and
organized by the civil society activists. But who are these civil society
activists? It is the same NGO and human rights groups which were
earlier known as social action groups or non-party political formations
that are now projecting themselves as the so-called civil society
organizations. Many prominent activists of these foreign-funded civil
society groups were found actively associated with or supporting various
militant and anti-national movements in the country. The civil society
groups have a very powerful and growing network of highly educated
and talented, but evil-minded, activists in the country.
It is a well-calculated strategy of the civil society groups to infiltrate
into all popular movements and social, academic and cultural institutions
in the country and take control of the same. It is in accordance with this
strategy that the control of some socio-cultural institutions like the
Kalakshetra of Chennai, Yashwant Rao Chavan Academy of
Development and Administration (YASHDA) of Pune, INTACH of
Delhi and hundreds of other social, cultural and research institutions has
been wrested by the civil society groups. The civil society activists also
try to win over influential social activists and crusaders into their camp
through various means to expand and strengthen their movement and
also enhance the image of the powerful civil society network in India .
For instance, sometime around 1985, prominent civil society activist
Medha Patkar and her associates had successfully lured an eminent
social activist Baba Amte of Maharashtra into the civil society camp by
allegedly helping him to win the coveted Ramon Magsaysay Award for
the service he did among the lepers in the state. He even shifted his base
from “Anandvan ashram” in Wordha to the bank of river Narmada in
1989 to become a full time activist of Narmada Bachao Andolan led by
Medha Patkar. In the very next year ie 1990, he won the Templeton
Award for his work among the lepers in the state. This award, carrying a
cash component of $279000, was instituted by the Templeton
Foundation of U.K. Baba Amte died on February 9, 2008. Baba Amte’s
son Dr. Prakash Amte and daughter-in-law Dr.Mandakini Amte, who are
also part of the civil society now, also won the Ramon Magsaysay award
in 2008, for community leadership.
Former IPS officer Kiran Bedi is another good catch by the civil society
lobby. Even when she was in service, she had always remained in the
public limelight not only for being the first woman IPS officer in India ,
but also for her knack of courting controversies. Though she was smart
and intelligent and a skillful manipulator in maintaining public
relations, discipline was not one of her virtues. She was reportedly a big
headache for all her superior officers, while in service. The civil society
activists had correctly judged her potential as a future activist during her
service days itself and had been cultivating her since long. No wonder,
she won the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1994 for her role in
introducing jail reforms. When failed to get elevated as the
Commissioner of Delhi Police, a dejected Bedi opted for voluntary
retirement in December, 2007. After her retirement, a documentary film
on her life was produced by an Australian film maker Megan Doneman
who also directed the film. This documentary titled “Yes, Madam Sir”
which was screened at Santa Barbara International Festival in 2009 won
two top awards, $100000 for best documentary and $2500 for Santa
Barbara “Social Justice Award”. Narrated by Helen Mirren, the academy
award winning actress, the 94-minute documentary tracks down Bedi’s
tumultuous career in the police force. Kiran Bedi was present during the
film’s screening in Toronto , Dubai and Adelaide . The so-called civil
society had reportedly played a key role in producing this film for giving
a big boost to Kiran Bedi’s image. Their efforts have not gone in vain.
Ms. Bedi is a full-fledged activist of the so-called civil society now. The
film “Yes, Madam Sir” is yet to be released in India .
The civil society activists have been trying to woo Anna Hazare into the
civil society camp for quite some time and it appears that Hazare has
fallen into the trap set by the civil society groups to lure him to their side
with national level mobilization of support for his “ India against
corruption” movement. Apparently, the civil society activists wanted to
exploit the clean image of Anna Hazare to launch a popular movement
to get a draconian anti-corruption bill, in the form of the proposed Jan
Lokpal bill, passed and control and dominate it by inducting their own
nominees into it. But, does Anna Hazare know the real identity, personal
credentials, true colour and ultimate objectives of these so-called civil
society activists? A brief account of the views and activities of some of
these civil society activists given, as under, would help to understand
their true nature better.
Harsh Mander:
He is a prominent civil society activist and a member of the National
Advisory Council. In a write up in Hindustan Times, dated 13th April,
2011, he wrote that he did not visit Anna Hazare at the venue of his ‘fast
unto agitation’ in Delhi as he was disturbed by the large portrait of
Bharat Mata that adorned the stage. He was further hurt when he saw
some Hindu leaders like Baba Ramdev, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar and RSS
leader Ram Madhav visiting Anna Hazare. Mander further added that
later when Hazare praised Narendra Modi for the developmental work
undertaken in Gujarat , he was convinced that he took the right decision
by not visiting Anna Hazare at Jantar Mantar.
A. Padma, wife of Ramakrishna, state secretary of CPI-Maoist in
Andhra Pradesh, was arrested by the Orissa police from Koraput district
of Orissa on November 13, 2010. On interrogation by the police, it was
found that she was working under the assumed name Sirishakka since
October 2008 as a home manager cum tutor in “Rainbow” orphanage for
girls, run by ‘Aman Biradari’, an NGO founded by Harsh Mander in
Hyderabad . She was one of the Maoist leaders released by the Orissa
government in exchange of abducted collector of Malkangiri district
R.Vineel Krishna. Harsh Mander, a former IAS officer, who gets upset
by the mere sight of a Bharat Mata portrait had no problem in giving
shelter to a top woman Maoist leader.
Medha Patkar:
She is the top most leader of the anti-development lobby in India . The
NGOs floated by her like the National Alliance of People’s Movememt
(NAPM) and Narmada Bachao Andolan had played a stellar role in
blocking or stalling hundreds of big development projects in India since
last 25 years by raking up issues like rehabilitation, loss of livelihood
and environmental pollution. The Narmada project which involves the
construction of a number of small and big dams spread over four states
is delayed by about 20 years because of the obstructionist activities of
Medha Patkar. With the help of some international NGOs, she was also
successful in blocking a $480 million loan sanctioned by the world bank
and another $200 million loan sanctioned by the Japanese government
for the Narmada project. She is also a staunch supporter of the Maoist
movement and was twice attacked by the villagers of Chattisgarh for her
open support to Maoists. In another development, the Supreme Court on
April 5, 2011, has issued notice to Medha Patkar-headed NGO Narmada
Bachao Andolan (NBA) on Madhya Pradesh government’s plea to
initiate perjury proceedings against her NGO for filing a false affidavit
in the court about the alleged acquisition of five villages in MP for
Omkareswar dam project..
Arundhati Roy:
On March 6, 2002, Arundhati Roy was sentenced to a ‘symbolic’ one
day in prison by the Supreme Court for her criticism against the court’s
judgment in favour of the Narmada dam project. A two-judge panel had
said that she was guilty of “scandalizing the court and lowering its
dignity through her statements.”
Arundhati Roy is a staunch supporter of the Maoist movement and
describes Maoists as Gandhians with guns. She is also of the firm view
that Afzal Guru who was sentenced to death in the Parliament attack
case is innocent and has criticized the Supreme Court for upholding his
death sentence without even giving him a fair trial. Addressing a
massive anti-India rally organized by Kashmiri separatists in Kashmir
valley on August 18, 2008, Ms.Roy had declared that India needs azadi
from Kashmir as much as Kashmir needs azadi from India . On another
occasion participating in an anti-India seminar organized by the civil
society activists in Delhi on October 21, 2010, she thundered that
Kashmir should get azadi from the ‘bhooke-nange’ Hindustan .
Arundhati Roy, who is a strong critic of India ’s nuclear ambitions, had
expressed her shock and anger over the Pokran-II nuclear tests and had
said that she was ashamed to be an Indian. She had further declared
herself as an independent mobile republic and a citizen of earth. She has
written several articles in support of Kashmiri separatists, Maoists and
also against the unjust death sentence given to Afzal Guru in the
Parliament attack case.
Swami Agnivesh:
On March 26, 2011, Swami Agnivesh and his supporters who went to
Dantewada area in Chattisgarh with some relief materials for the
villagers whose houses were allegedly burned down by the police and
Salva Judum activists, were roughed up and chased out of the area by
angry villagers because of Agnivesh’s links with Maoists. Swami
Agnivesh had also raised slogans hailing Maoists following the release
of five abducted policemen of Chattisgarh by the Maoists on April 15,
2011, as per an affidavit submitted by the Chattisgarh government in the
Supreme Court. This fake Hindu leader is notorious for his close links
with the Maoists.
Aruna Roy:
Ms.Aruna Roy is serving as a member of the National Advisory Council
(NAC) for a second time. She started her career as an IAS officer in
1968. She quit the IAS in 1975, opting to become a social activist along
with her husband Sanjit Bunkar Roy at Tilonia, Ajmer district in
Rajastan. She started working independently from 1983 and later
founded the NGO Mazdoor Kisan Sakti Saghatana in 1990. In the name
of empowering the marginalized sections of people, she was found
promoting militancy among the Adivasis and Dalits. She is also a
staunch supporter of the Maoist movement. She won the Ramon
Magsaysay award in 2000 for her work done for the peasants and
workers. She had also played a leading role in the enactment and
implementation of the RTI Act.
Teesta Satalvad:
The Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team which
conducted detailed inquires into various incidents of atrocities during the
Gujarat riots had severely censured rights activist Teesta Satalvad,
Convener of the NGO “Citizens for Justice and Peace” for cooking up
stories and fabricating evidence to dub Hindu activists as rapists and
murderers, deliberately meant to incite anger and hatred among the
Muslims. The SIT led by R.K.Raghavan, former director of CBI, told
the Supreme Court on April 13, 2009 about the involvement of Teesta
Satalvad in fabrication of evidence against the riot accused. In a report
submitted before a Bench comprising of Justices Arijit Pasayat,
P.Sathasivam and Aftab Alam, the SIT alleged that many incidents of
killings and other acts of violence as alleged by Satalvad were actually
cooked up, false charges were leveled and false witnesses were tutored
to give evidence about imaginary incidents. Quoting from the SIT
report, Gujarat counsel and senior advocate Mukul Rohtagi said that 22
witnesses who had submitted identical affidavits before various courts
were questioned by the SIT which found that they had been tutored and
handed over affidavits by Teesta Satalvad, although they had not
actually witnessed any riot incidents. Pointing out a specific instance,
the SIT said how the evidence of 22 witnesses was suspect, owing to the
identical submissions made in their affidavits submitted to the court. The
SIT found that all the 22 affidavits were drafted, typed and printed from
the same computer giving sufficient grounds to believe that they were
tutored. .(“NGOs,Teesta spiced up riot incidents: SIT”, TOI, dated. Aril
15, 2009)
When three catholic nuns were raped by about 20-24 tribals at Jhabua in
Madhya Pradesh on 23d September, 1998, the so-called secular press
and the civil rights activists initially put the blame on Hindu activists
and conducted a campaign against the Sangh Parivar throughout India .
In Mumbai, civil society activists Teesta Satalvad and Asghar Ali
Engineer joined Archbishop Evan Dias in conducting a campaign
against the Sangh Parivar. Catholic schools in Mumbai observed a bandh
in protest against the incident and school children were used to conduct
protest morchas. Finally when the investigation was over, it was found
that the accused arrested in the case included 12 tribal Christians, and
not a single Hindu activist was involved.
Teesta Satalvad was pulled up by the Supreme Court on January 11,
2011, for sending copies of communications addressed to Special
Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Gujarat riots to the UN Human
Rights Commission. As in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, the civil rights
activists in India also enjoy the patronage of the UN Human Rights
Ramachandra Guha:
On 23, June, 2010, during a lunch-time lecture on his book “India after
Gandhi”organized by Nyenrode, the Netherlands Institute of
International Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, historian and
civil society activist Ramachandra Guha asserted that despite its
impressive economic growth, India will never become an economic
super power. According to him, India ’s enormous economic growth
contains a multitude of sins and he felt that beset with internal problems,
fissures and contradictions, India is unlikely to survive as a nation. He
expressed the view that India should not even dream of becoming a
super power.
Lachit Bordolai and Hiranya Saikya
Civil society activists Lachit Bordolai and Hiranya Saikya figured in the
11-member People’s Consultative Group (PCG) appointed by the UPA
government to hold peace dialogue with the ULFA leaders. Only civil
society activists acceptable to both the Centre and the ULFA leadership
are appointed as members of People’s Consultative Group.
Ironically, in February, 2008, PCG member and a prominent human
rights activist Lachit Bordolai himself was arrested under the NSA by
the Assam police in connection with an ULFA plot to hijack a plane
from Guwahati to Pakistan in 2007. Another PCG member Hiranya
Saikya was also arrested by the Assam police under the Unlawful
Activities (Prevention) Act on 22nd. June, 2008 for acting as a conduit
for communicating messages and instructions from the ULFA top brass
to the field activists. In fact all the civil society activists nominated to
the People's Consultative Group (PCG), including noted writer Indira
Goswami, and accepted as mediators by the government are found to
have close links with the activities of the ULFA.
Rajinder Sachar:
Civil society activist and retired chief justice of Delhi High Court
Rajinder Sachar, through his Sachar Committee report on the status of
Muslims in India had tried to convince the whole world that the
Muslims in India are mostly poor, backward and illiterate as there is
wide-spread discrimination against them in the fields of education and
employment. The report further said that their percentage in government
service is disproportionately low and in the security agencies, it is even
further lower. He used cooked up data, lies and half truths to arrive at
this conclusion. The extent of damage done to the country by this report
can be verified from the coverage of 2008 Mumbai attacks by the
international media. While commenting on the event, a substantial
section of the western media extensively quoted from the Sachar
Committee report to justify the terror attacks in Mumbai as a sort of
retaliation for the ill-treatment of Muslims in India . Sachar, who is a
supporter of various militant movements in India had organized press
conferences in the past to condemn the arrest of Maoist leaders like
Arun Pareria and Maoist supporters like Dr.Binayak Sen. In January,
2000, when Naga under ground leader Th. Muivah was arrested by
Thailand police for traveling from Karachi to Bangkok on a fake
passport, Rajinder Sachar had air-dashed to Bangkok to express his
support and solidarity with the arrested Naga leader.
From the brief account given above about the so-called civil society
activists in India, it is unmistakably clear that all the core activists of the
civil society are simply a bunch of anti-nationals who are cultivated by
certain western agencies to work as a fifth column to promote
fissiparous tendencies in India. These activists do not believe in
nationalism or national boundaries. In fact they do not even believe in
the concept of India as a nation state. Their argument is that India was
never a united and independent entity in the past and this
conglomeration of warring kingdoms were brought together by the
British for administrative convenience. They believe that India is still a
conglomeration of different nationalities, who are kept suppressed by the
brutal state power. Supported by the western lobby, these activists
believe that several states in India are on the verge of a civil war and it is
their duty to help the different nationalities in India to achieve their goal
of independence. It is in accordance with such a dangerous doctrine that
the civil society activists are indulging in various disruptive and
antinational activities in India , as stated below.
The civil society activists support all militant and secessionist
movements in India , like Islamic militancy, ULFA, Maoist movement,
Kashmiri separatists, etc.
They are opposed to India ’s nuclear and space programmes.
They are opposed to all development projects in India .
They are against allocation of more funds for strengthening our armed
They promote militancy among the Adivasis and Dalits and also try to
create differences and clashes between Dalits and upper caste people in
the country.
They try to defame all nationalist forces in the country.
They particularly target Narendra Modi, a highly popular and dynamic
leader and an efficient administrator who has the potential to become a
strong and popular prime minister of India .
They are opposed to all stringent and effective laws meant to curb
Civil society leader Rajinder Sachar was the main speaker at a
convention organized by the left extremists and civil society activists in
New Delhi on April 15, 2010, to condemn the genocidal war crimes
perpetrated by the Sri Lankan government on Tamils in Sri Lanka and
India ’s indifference to the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils. One of the
resolutions unanimously passed by the convention is reproduced below.
“The House condemns the Indian state’s war on the various nationalities
fighting for self-determination”.
This resolution clearly shows that the civil society activists consider
people in all insurgency-affected states in India as different nationalities
and they have no inhibition or qualms of conscience in declaring their
open, unambiguous and unashamed support for the various militant and
secessionist movements in the country. It is in such a camp of fifth
columnists that Anna Hazare has landed up now.
Conspiracy behind Anna Hazare’s “Fast unto death” agitation
Anna Hazare’s “Fast unto death” agitation in Delhi from April 5, 2011
was the result of a big conspiracy hatched by the civil society activists,
pro-western English media and the National Advisory Council. The 2G,
CWG and other scams and also the corruption charges raised by former
Union Minister Subramanyam Swami directly against Sonia Gandhi had
all sullied the image of the UPA government very badly and the UPA
had started losing by-elections in different states. Baba Ramdev’s anticorruption
campaign was also gaining momentum. Addressing a
mammoth rally against corruption organized by Ramdev’s supporters in
New Delhi on February 27, 2011, Ramdev had openly attacked the
Congress for encouraging corruption in India . Ramdev had planned
more such rallies and the Congress leadership was clearly unnerved.
They knew that something had to be done urgently to divert the attention
of the people and to neutralize Baba Ramdev’s campaign against
corruption and black money. The civil society activists who came to the
rescue of Sonia Gandhi then used Anna Hazare to launch a ‘fast unto
death’ agitation demanding a stronger Lokpal Bill with inclusion of civil
society members in the drafting committee and assuring Hazare national
level mobilization of support for him by the vast and powerful network
of civil society activists. The agitation that lasted for five days had an
electrifying effect on the nation because of the unprecedented projection
it got from the press and electronic media. The civil society activists
organized protest demonstrations, dharnas, hunger strike and meetings in
all major cities in India in support of Hazare’s agitation in Delhi . People
in the cities were glued to different TV channels to know the latest
development over Hazare’s fast. The hysteria created by the media over
Hazare’s fast elevated him to the status of a national icon and he seemed
to enjoy it. He probably started having hallucinations about becoming
another Mahatma as indicated by his comment that had he continued his
fast for another three or four days, the UPA government would have
collapsed. Whatever it may be, the five-day ‘fast unto death’ agitation
planned and executed by the civil society activists was a bigger success
than they hoped for as it helped to divert people’s attention from various
scams to the controversial Lokpal Bill relegating the issue of corruption
to the back seat. It also gave a big boost to Hazare’s personal image
placating him and cementing his integration into the civil society club
and cleared the way for the adoption of a stronger and more draconian
Lokpal Bill. The five-day drama also showed how Anna Hazare has
already become a prisoner of the so-called civil society. Anna Hazare
during one of his interactive sessions with the newsmen at his agitational
venue in Delhi had praised the development work done by chief
ministers Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar in their respective states.
The civil society activists like Medha Patkar and Harsh Mander had
immediately taken objection to Hazare’s praise for Narendra Modi and
drawing his attention to the role of Modi in the genocide of Muslims
during the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat . Anna Hazare subsequently
was forced to issue a clarification stating that he had only praised
Modi’s development work in Gujarat , and not his role in dealing with
the riots.
Media’s role
A substantial section of the English media, both the press and electronic,
under the influence of certain western agencies has always been
supporting all anti-social elements and forces in the country for the past
few years. Such biased sections of media had unashamedly supported
Maoist movement, Kashmiri separatists, Islamic militants, etc, in the
past. It is the same section of media which went out of the way to project
Anna Hazare as a new messiah of the people and ensured the success of
his ‘fast unto death’ agitation, which makes its intentions suspect. Where
was this media, when Baba Ramdev addressed a massive gathering in
Delhi on February 27th this year as part of his drive against corruption
and black money? It got hardly any mention in the media. The media
which helped to elevate Anna Hazare to the status of a national icon also
helped the civil society crooks to hijack the anti-corruption drive of
Baba Ramdev, using Anna Hazare. The civil society activists were also
able to snatch a major role in drafting the Lokpal Bill and ensuring
majority representation for them in the proposed all-powerful institution
of Lokpal.
Jan Lokpal bill
The proposed Jan Lokpal bill, if accepted in the present form as drafted
by the civil society activists, will be the most draconian piece of
legislation. The bill demands that the members of the Lokpal be
conferred with judicial and police powers. They also want the Supreme
Court and Prime Minister also to be brought under the purview of the
Lokpal. If this demand is accepted, the monster called Lokpal will have
the power to dismiss even the Prime Minister and the chief justice of the
Supreme Court. A selection panel comprising of following dignitaries
will appoint the members of the Lokpal.
1) Chairpersons of both Houses of Parliament
2) Two senior most judges of Supreme Court
3) Two senior most chief justices of High Court
4) All Nobel Laureates of Indian origin
5) Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission
6) Last two Magsaysay Award winners of Indian origin
7) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
8) Chief Election Commissioner
9) Bharat Ratna Award winners.
If these are the guidelines for constituting the selection panel, then most
of the members in Lokpal will be the nominees of the civil society. What
better prescription is there for the decimation of India as a nation state.
The inclusion of Nobel Laureates of Indian origin and last two
Magsaysay Award winners of Indian origin in the selection panel is
interesting. Past experience shows that only nominees approved by the
U.S. government can win the Nobel Prize. For instance, though many
ardent fans of Mahatma Gandhi have won the Nobel Peace Prize,
Gandhi himself was denied this honour despite being nominated five
times and short-listed thrice. Gandhi, who showed the world that
anything can be achieved through ‘satyagrah’ and non-violence was
nominated for the award in 1937, 1938, 1939,1947 and a few days
before he was martyred in January 1948. Similarly, India ’s first prime
minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, also failed to win the Nobel Prize, though he
was nominated for this coveted award 11 times. Probably the socialist
views of Nehru and Gandhi’s criticism against the conversion activities
of Christian missionaries were not to the liking of the Nobel Committee
and the U S. While Gandhi and Nehru were denied the Nobel Peace
Prize, those who won the Nobel Peace award include the master
manipulator and war monger Henry Kissinger (1973), PLO leader and a
terrorist Yasser Arafat (1994) and Mikhail Gorbachev (1990) who
presided over the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The fact that some
CIA-linked human rights organizations who support Maoist movement
in India could mobilize the support of 44 Nobel Laureates to demand the
immediate release of Dr.Binayak Sen, a jailed pro-Maoist human rights
activist of Chattisgarh, further confirms the continued loyalty of Nobel
Laureates to the various US agencies.
As far as the Magsaysay Award winners are concerned, this award is an
American award for Asians. These annual awards given to Asians under
different categories, were constituted in 1957 by the Rockefeller
Foundation in memory of Ramon Magsaysay, the former President of
Philippines. The Magsaysay awards were earlier given to eligible people
in five categories. In 2000, a new category, called emergent leadership,
was introduced with the financial support from Ford Foundation and
Aruna Roy of India was the first recipient of this category. The
Magsaysay awards now appear to be reserved for only civil society
activists or their nominees, as can be seen from the appended list of
awardees since 2000.
Year Winner
2000 Aruna Roy, a civil society activist.
2001 Rajendra Singh -do-
2002 Sandeep Pandey -do-
2003 J.M.Lyngdoh, a former chief election commissioner who
after the Gujarat riots in 2002, postponed the state assembly elections in
Gujarat despite opposition from Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
2004 Admiral (Rtd) L.Ramdas, civil society activist
2005 V,Shanta, a nominee of civil society.
2006 Aravind Kejrival, civil society activist.
2007 P.Sainath, a supporter of civil society.
2008 Dr.Prakash Amte and
Dr.Mandakini Amte, civil society activists.
2009 Deepti Joshi -do-
Truth about Anna Hazare’s “ India Against Corruption” movement
The recent anti-corruption campaign and the “fast unto death” agitation
planned and executed by the civil society activists using Anna Hazare as
a tool was a big fraud committed by the so-called civil society activists
on the innocent people of India to get an all-powerful ’Lokpal’ Bill
passed. The proposed Lokpal Bill seeks to undermine the authority of
even the Supreme Court of India, which amounts to a change in the
basic structure of our constitution. All core activists of the civil society
enjoy the patronage of Sonia Gandhi. The National Advisory Council
(NAC) is a representative body of the civil society activists. Ten of the
14 members in the NAC are civil society activists and other four are
supporters of the civil society. Sonia Gandhi who controls the UPA
government is also the chairperson of the NAC. Herein lies the great
deception. There is no difference between the civil society activists and
Sonia’s NAC members. Hence the proposed Lokpal institution is likely
to be dominated by the minions of Sonia Gandhi. This will be disastrous.
Since the civil society leaders want the break up of India , all nationalist
leaders and institutions will be the first target of the proposed Lokpal.
The only way to save the situation is to stop the Lokpal Bill all together.
The ‘Lokpal’ could be a good and effective institution only if it is
brought under the control of the Supreme Court, only impartial and
eminent citizens or judges are inducted into it and all civil society
activists are kept out of it.
The public anger against corruption was ignited first by the explosion
caused by the 2G spectrum scam involving a huge loss of more than
Rs.170000 crore to the exchequer. More such scams as brought to light
by the CWG scam and Adarsh Society scam, etc. involving huge losses
to the exchequer and other irregularities further enraged the masses and
their anger was mainly directed against UPA ministers and other party
leaders who were involved in those scams. Under such circumstances
when Anna Hazare started his “India Against Corruption” movement, it
got overwhelming support from the people. The media, both the press
and electronic, went out of the way to project Hazare as a national icon,
some of them going to the extent of describing him as a second
‘Mahatma’ in the making. The continued projection of Anna Hazare’s
‘fast unto death’ agitation demanding a stronger Lokpal Bill suddenly
diverted the focus of public attention from the mega scams to the Lokpal
Bill giving a much needed respite to the UPA government. Thus the civil
society activists with the help of a biased media not only bailed out the
UPA government from the scam attack but paved the way for creation of
the monstrous and civil society-dominated Lokpal which is certain to be
misused by the civil society activists to achieve their sinister objectives.
Anna Hazare has done immense harm to the country by aligning with
the civil society activists. He has cheated the people and betrayed the
country by becoming a party to the evil designs of the civil society. Just
as Kiran Bedi was lured into the civil society club with the bait of
Ramon Magsaysay award and a 94-minute documentary on Ms. Bedi,
Anna Hazare also seems to have been lured into the civil society camp
with the bait of prospects of becoming a national icon and a second
‘Mahatma’. If Anna Hazare continues to be associated with the so-called
civil society activists, he will soon be proved to be a fake Mahatma. and
a poor judge of people.
Civil Society Groups, an international menace
The civil society organizations are promoted, funded and controlled by
certain western intelligence agencies, Corporate Houses and
Foundations and Christian funding agencies to protect the interests of
the US and its NATO allies and the church all over the world. The
sinister activities of these groups are not confined to India alone. These
groups are active in almost all countries in the world including Russia
and China . However their assignments differ from one country to other
depending upon the strategic interests of the western lobby in a
particular country and the political affiliation of the ruling regime in that
country. For instance, in authoritarian countries like China , Cuba and
Venezuela , the objective of these groups is to cultivate a congenial
atmosphere for the overthrow of the ruling regimes. In Russia , Prime
Minister Putin is using some stringent laws introduced by him when he
was the president, to curb the subversive activities of the civil society
groups. In China , there are severe restrictions on civil society groups
and a number of such groups were banned in the past. Liu Xiaobo, a
Chinese national who won the Nobel Prize for peace in 2010, is a civil
society activist of China . He is presently undergoing a 11-year jail term
in China for his alleged subversive activities. After the decimation of the
LTTE, Sri Lanka is at last free from the three-decade old civil war and
terrorism. But the civil society activists in Sri Lanka are accusing
President Mahindra Rajapakse of genocide of thousands of innocent
Tamils during the final phase of the war and calling for his trial by an
international court for war crimes. In this regard, they have the backing
of the United Nations, which has been reduced to a tool of USA and its
allies for promoting their interests all over the world. In India , the civil
society groups support the UPA government as it is a friendly political
regime, controlled by some pro-US elements. Two main objectives of
the so-called civil society in India are to promote Christianity and to
encourage and support all militant and insurgency movements in India
with the ultimate objective of a Soviet Union-type break-up of India into
ten or fifteen independent smaller countries, which will serve the
strategic interests of the USA . A big country like India with the second
largest population in the world and fast-growing economy will be a big
threat to America ’s economic and military domination of the world.
Hence the civil society is used by the U.S. and its allies to destabilize
India by promoting all militant and secessionist activities, stalling all big
development projects and encouraging continued inflow of illegal
migrants into the country. Thus we have to realize that the so-called civil
society is a bigger threat to the unity and integrity of India than
corruption and hence both these threats need to be neutralized with all
our might.
Removal of poverty, empowerment of women, measures to protect
environment, fighting for the rights of displaced or tribal people are all
genuine and admirable objectives. Every liberal-minded and true citizen
of this country will support such activities. However, the Civic Society
activists use these slogans only to hide their real and sinister objective
of promoting divisive tendencies among the people of India. So, it
becomes essential to remove the veil of this deception and expose their
real intention of encouraging all divisive forces in the country with the
ultimate objective of disintegration of India. They have a very strong
national and international network. They operate with military precision
and strategy. They have sympathizers in government, press and
bureaucracy. Most of them are highly educated intellectuals and
academicians. They support every separatist movement and oppose all
developmental activities in the country. It is a great mystery that all
most all members of National Advisory Committee (NAC) led by
Smt.Sonia Gandhi fall in this category. It will be naive to believe that it
is accidental. We need change, but not destruction. Following article is
an effort in that direction.
Born in a poor family in Bhingar village in Ahmedabad district of
Maharashtra, Anna
Hazare has studied only up to 7th standard. He joined the Indian army as
a driver in 1963. During his spare time he used to read the works of
Gandhi, Vivekananda and Vinoba Bhave and inspired by such works, he
became a Gandhian. He opted for voluntary retirement from army and
came to Relegan Siddhi village in Ahmednagar in 1975 to become a
social worker. Under his guidance, the local villagers undertook a lot of
development work like afforestation programme, check dam
construction, watershed development programme and made necessary
changes in the crop pattern and also took steps to increase milk
production. By initiating such development work in the village, he soon
transformed this poverty-ridden village into one of the richest villages in
India . In this self-sustained model village, energy is produced from
solar power, biofuel and wind mills.
Anna Hazare is a simple and honest man, but he is also a fearless
crusader against corruption. He had become a terror for the corrupt
politicians and bureaucrats in Maharashtra as his non-violent fight
against corruption in the past had led to resignation of many such
corrupt ministers and officials in the state. In early 2000s, a movement
led by Anna Hazare had forced the state government to pass the
Maharashtra Right to Information Act, which was later used by the
Centre as a base paper for framing its own RTI Act. Hazare's latest
crusade against corruption was the fast unto death agitation that he had
launched from April 5th, 2011 at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi with the
backing of civil society groups, seeking a stronger Jan Lokpal bill
incorporating the recommendations from the draft bill prepared by civil
society activists Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kagrival and Karnataka
Lokayukta Santosh Hegde. Earlier Anna Hazare and his civil society
supporters had outrightly rejected the draft Lokpal bill prepared by the
Group of Ministers appointed by the government, as toothless and
ineffective. Meanwhile, senior cabinet minister Sharat Powar had
resigned from the Group of Ministers appointed for preparing the draft
bill following strong criticism by Hazare over the inclusion of people
like Sharat Powar in the Group of Ministers.
Anna Hazare’s fast unto death agitation seeking a strong Jan Lokpal Act
to curb corruption had evoked spontaneous and nation-wide support
from all across the country. In 100 cities across India , there were
symbolic protest programmes on April 5, in support of Hazare's “India
Against Corruption” agitation in Delhi . Civil society leader Medha
Patkar led the protest demonstration in Mumbai, where as Mallika
Sarabhai led the same in Ahmedabad. The press and the electronic
media, especially the English media, had given wide coverage to the
event and there were extensive debates over Hazare’s anti-corruption
agitation on every major TV channel in India . There was also running
commentary on the progress of Hazare’s ‘fast unto death’ programme
and related developments on some of the important TV channels in the
country. No other event in the recent history of India attracted so much
public and media attention as Hazare’s fast unto death agitation in Delhi
. Suddenly Hazare became a national icon and people from different
parts of the country started pouring into Jantar Mantar in Delhi in
support of his fast unto death agitation. The sudden emergence of Anna
Hazare as a saviour of the nation gave him a larger than life image, and
the UPA government looking for a way out, showed clear signs of panic.
Finally on April 8th, a jittery government conceded his demand to
constitute a joint committee of senior ministers and civil society activists
to draft a new bill to establish the institution of Lokpal at the Centre and
a triumphant Anna Hazare ended his fast unto death agitation on 9th
April, after the government issued a gazette notification constituting a
ten-member joint Committee of senior ministers and civil society
activists to draft an effective Lokpal Bill.
How is it that, Anna Hazare, whose popularity was hitherto confined
only to Maharashtra , suddenly emerged as a national icon and how did
his movement take the nation by storm? The truth is that the
unprecedented media coverage of the event and the running commentary
on the progress of Hazare’s ‘fast unto death’ agitation by the electronic
media had almost paralyzed the nation for a week and it also helped to
create a halo around Anna Hazare. The hype around Anna Hazare’s fast
unto death agitation had also brought to light Hazare’s humble
background and simple lifestyle and his successful fight against
corruption in the past. Coming at a time when the people of India are
extremely angry and agitated over the magnitude of corruption in India,
as have been brought out through scams like 2G Spectrum, CWG and
Adarsh Society, they were highly impressed by the honesty, simplicity
and the past record of Hazare as a crusader against corruption and they
wholeheartedly supported his “India against corruption” movement. The
turn of events not only elevated him to the status of a national icon, but a
section of the media even started projecting Hazare as a second
‘Mahatma’ in the making.
Civil Society Groups
Unlike the past agitational programmes of Anna Hazare, his present
‘India Against Corruption’ movement was totally planned and
organized by the civil society activists. But who are these civil society
activists? It is the same NGO and human rights groups which were
earlier known as social action groups or non-party political formations
that are now projecting themselves as the so-called civil society
organizations. Many prominent activists of these foreign-funded civil
society groups were found actively associated with or supporting various
militant and anti-national movements in the country. The civil society
groups have a very powerful and growing network of highly educated
and talented, but evil-minded, activists in the country.
It is a well-calculated strategy of the civil society groups to infiltrate
into all popular movements and social, academic and cultural institutions
in the country and take control of the same. It is in accordance with this
strategy that the control of some socio-cultural institutions like the
Kalakshetra of Chennai, Yashwant Rao Chavan Academy of
Development and Administration (YASHDA) of Pune, INTACH of
Delhi and hundreds of other social, cultural and research institutions has
been wrested by the civil society groups. The civil society activists also
try to win over influential social activists and crusaders into their camp
through various means to expand and strengthen their movement and
also enhance the image of the powerful civil society network in India .
For instance, sometime around 1985, prominent civil society activist
Medha Patkar and her associates had successfully lured an eminent
social activist Baba Amte of Maharashtra into the civil society camp by
allegedly helping him to win the coveted Ramon Magsaysay Award for
the service he did among the lepers in the state. He even shifted his base
from “Anandvan ashram” in Wordha to the bank of river Narmada in
1989 to become a full time activist of Narmada Bachao Andolan led by
Medha Patkar. In the very next year ie 1990, he won the Templeton
Award for his work among the lepers in the state. This award, carrying a
cash component of $279000, was instituted by the Templeton
Foundation of U.K. Baba Amte died on February 9, 2008. Baba Amte’s
son Dr. Prakash Amte and daughter-in-law Dr.Mandakini Amte, who are
also part of the civil society now, also won the Ramon Magsaysay award
in 2008, for community leadership.
Former IPS officer Kiran Bedi is another good catch by the civil society
lobby. Even when she was in service, she had always remained in the
public limelight not only for being the first woman IPS officer in India ,
but also for her knack of courting controversies. Though she was smart
and intelligent and a skillful manipulator in maintaining public
relations, discipline was not one of her virtues. She was reportedly a big
headache for all her superior officers, while in service. The civil society
activists had correctly judged her potential as a future activist during her
service days itself and had been cultivating her since long. No wonder,
she won the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1994 for her role in
introducing jail reforms. When failed to get elevated as the
Commissioner of Delhi Police, a dejected Bedi opted for voluntary
retirement in December, 2007. After her retirement, a documentary film
on her life was produced by an Australian film maker Megan Doneman
who also directed the film. This documentary titled “Yes, Madam Sir”
which was screened at Santa Barbara International Festival in 2009 won
two top awards, $100000 for best documentary and $2500 for Santa
Barbara “Social Justice Award”. Narrated by Helen Mirren, the academy
award winning actress, the 94-minute documentary tracks down Bedi’s
tumultuous career in the police force. Kiran Bedi was present during the
film’s screening in Toronto , Dubai and Adelaide . The so-called civil
society had reportedly played a key role in producing this film for giving
a big boost to Kiran Bedi’s image. Their efforts have not gone in vain.
Ms. Bedi is a full-fledged activist of the so-called civil society now. The
film “Yes, Madam Sir” is yet to be released in India .
The civil society activists have been trying to woo Anna Hazare into the
civil society camp for quite some time and it appears that Hazare has
fallen into the trap set by the civil society groups to lure him to their side
with national level mobilization of support for his “ India against
corruption” movement. Apparently, the civil society activists wanted to
exploit the clean image of Anna Hazare to launch a popular movement
to get a draconian anti-corruption bill, in the form of the proposed Jan
Lokpal bill, passed and control and dominate it by inducting their own
nominees into it. But, does Anna Hazare know the real identity, personal
credentials, true colour and ultimate objectives of these so-called civil
society activists? A brief account of the views and activities of some of
these civil society activists given, as under, would help to understand
their true nature better.
Harsh Mander:
He is a prominent civil society activist and a member of the National
Advisory Council. In a write up in Hindustan Times, dated 13th April,
2011, he wrote that he did not visit Anna Hazare at the venue of his ‘fast
unto agitation’ in Delhi as he was disturbed by the large portrait of
Bharat Mata that adorned the stage. He was further hurt when he saw
some Hindu leaders like Baba Ramdev, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar and RSS
leader Ram Madhav visiting Anna Hazare. Mander further added that
later when Hazare praised Narendra Modi for the developmental work
undertaken in Gujarat , he was convinced that he took the right decision
by not visiting Anna Hazare at Jantar Mantar.
A. Padma, wife of Ramakrishna, state secretary of CPI-Maoist in
Andhra Pradesh, was arrested by the Orissa police from Koraput district
of Orissa on November 13, 2010. On interrogation by the police, it was
found that she was working under the assumed name Sirishakka since
October 2008 as a home manager cum tutor in “Rainbow” orphanage for
girls, run by ‘Aman Biradari’, an NGO founded by Harsh Mander in
Hyderabad . She was one of the Maoist leaders released by the Orissa
government in exchange of abducted collector of Malkangiri district
R.Vineel Krishna. Harsh Mander, a former IAS officer, who gets upset
by the mere sight of a Bharat Mata portrait had no problem in giving
shelter to a top woman Maoist leader.
Medha Patkar:
She is the top most leader of the anti-development lobby in India . The
NGOs floated by her like the National Alliance of People’s Movememt
(NAPM) and Narmada Bachao Andolan had played a stellar role in
blocking or stalling hundreds of big development projects in India since
last 25 years by raking up issues like rehabilitation, loss of livelihood
and environmental pollution. The Narmada project which involves the
construction of a number of small and big dams spread over four states
is delayed by about 20 years because of the obstructionist activities of
Medha Patkar. With the help of some international NGOs, she was also
successful in blocking a $480 million loan sanctioned by the world bank
and another $200 million loan sanctioned by the Japanese government
for the Narmada project. She is also a staunch supporter of the Maoist
movement and was twice attacked by the villagers of Chattisgarh for her
open support to Maoists. In another development, the Supreme Court on
April 5, 2011, has issued notice to Medha Patkar-headed NGO Narmada
Bachao Andolan (NBA) on Madhya Pradesh government’s plea to
initiate perjury proceedings against her NGO for filing a false affidavit
in the court about the alleged acquisition of five villages in MP for
Omkareswar dam project..
Arundhati Roy:
On March 6, 2002, Arundhati Roy was sentenced to a ‘symbolic’ one
day in prison by the Supreme Court for her criticism against the court’s
judgment in favour of the Narmada dam project. A two-judge panel had
said that she was guilty of “scandalizing the court and lowering its
dignity through her statements.”
Arundhati Roy is a staunch supporter of the Maoist movement and
describes Maoists as Gandhians with guns. She is also of the firm view
that Afzal Guru who was sentenced to death in the Parliament attack
case is innocent and has criticized the Supreme Court for upholding his
death sentence without even giving him a fair trial. Addressing a
massive anti-India rally organized by Kashmiri separatists in Kashmir
valley on August 18, 2008, Ms.Roy had declared that India needs azadi
from Kashmir as much as Kashmir needs azadi from India . On another
occasion participating in an anti-India seminar organized by the civil
society activists in Delhi on October 21, 2010, she thundered that
Kashmir should get azadi from the ‘bhooke-nange’ Hindustan .
Arundhati Roy, who is a strong critic of India ’s nuclear ambitions, had
expressed her shock and anger over the Pokran-II nuclear tests and had
said that she was ashamed to be an Indian. She had further declared
herself as an independent mobile republic and a citizen of earth. She has
written several articles in support of Kashmiri separatists, Maoists and
also against the unjust death sentence given to Afzal Guru in the
Parliament attack case.
Swami Agnivesh:
On March 26, 2011, Swami Agnivesh and his supporters who went to
Dantewada area in Chattisgarh with some relief materials for the
villagers whose houses were allegedly burned down by the police and
Salva Judum activists, were roughed up and chased out of the area by
angry villagers because of Agnivesh’s links with Maoists. Swami
Agnivesh had also raised slogans hailing Maoists following the release
of five abducted policemen of Chattisgarh by the Maoists on April 15,
2011, as per an affidavit submitted by the Chattisgarh government in the
Supreme Court. This fake Hindu leader is notorious for his close links
with the Maoists.
Aruna Roy:
Ms.Aruna Roy is serving as a member of the National Advisory Council
(NAC) for a second time. She started her career as an IAS officer in
1968. She quit the IAS in 1975, opting to become a social activist along
with her husband Sanjit Bunkar Roy at Tilonia, Ajmer district in
Rajastan. She started working independently from 1983 and later
founded the NGO Mazdoor Kisan Sakti Saghatana in 1990. In the name
of empowering the marginalized sections of people, she was found
promoting militancy among the Adivasis and Dalits. She is also a
staunch supporter of the Maoist movement. She won the Ramon
Magsaysay award in 2000 for her work done for the peasants and
workers. She had also played a leading role in the enactment and
implementation of the RTI Act.
Teesta Satalvad:
The Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team which
conducted detailed inquires into various incidents of atrocities during the
Gujarat riots had severely censured rights activist Teesta Satalvad,
Convener of the NGO “Citizens for Justice and Peace” for cooking up
stories and fabricating evidence to dub Hindu activists as rapists and
murderers, deliberately meant to incite anger and hatred among the
Muslims. The SIT led by R.K.Raghavan, former director of CBI, told
the Supreme Court on April 13, 2009 about the involvement of Teesta
Satalvad in fabrication of evidence against the riot accused. In a report
submitted before a Bench comprising of Justices Arijit Pasayat,
P.Sathasivam and Aftab Alam, the SIT alleged that many incidents of
killings and other acts of violence as alleged by Satalvad were actually
cooked up, false charges were leveled and false witnesses were tutored
to give evidence about imaginary incidents. Quoting from the SIT
report, Gujarat counsel and senior advocate Mukul Rohtagi said that 22
witnesses who had submitted identical affidavits before various courts
were questioned by the SIT which found that they had been tutored and
handed over affidavits by Teesta Satalvad, although they had not
actually witnessed any riot incidents. Pointing out a specific instance,
the SIT said how the evidence of 22 witnesses was suspect, owing to the
identical submissions made in their affidavits submitted to the court. The
SIT found that all the 22 affidavits were drafted, typed and printed from
the same computer giving sufficient grounds to believe that they were
tutored. .(“NGOs,Teesta spiced up riot incidents: SIT”, TOI, dated. Aril
15, 2009)
When three catholic nuns were raped by about 20-24 tribals at Jhabua in
Madhya Pradesh on 23d September, 1998, the so-called secular press
and the civil rights activists initially put the blame on Hindu activists
and conducted a campaign against the Sangh Parivar throughout India .
In Mumbai, civil society activists Teesta Satalvad and Asghar Ali
Engineer joined Archbishop Evan Dias in conducting a campaign
against the Sangh Parivar. Catholic schools in Mumbai observed a bandh
in protest against the incident and school children were used to conduct
protest morchas. Finally when the investigation was over, it was found
that the accused arrested in the case included 12 tribal Christians, and
not a single Hindu activist was involved.
Teesta Satalvad was pulled up by the Supreme Court on January 11,
2011, for sending copies of communications addressed to Special
Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Gujarat riots to the UN Human
Rights Commission. As in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, the civil rights
activists in India also enjoy the patronage of the UN Human Rights
Ramachandra Guha:
On 23, June, 2010, during a lunch-time lecture on his book “India after
Gandhi”organized by Nyenrode, the Netherlands Institute of
International Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, historian and
civil society activist Ramachandra Guha asserted that despite its
impressive economic growth, India will never become an economic
super power. According to him, India ’s enormous economic growth
contains a multitude of sins and he felt that beset with internal problems,
fissures and contradictions, India is unlikely to survive as a nation. He
expressed the view that India should not even dream of becoming a
super power.
Lachit Bordolai and Hiranya Saikya
Civil society activists Lachit Bordolai and Hiranya Saikya figured in the
11-member People’s Consultative Group (PCG) appointed by the UPA
government to hold peace dialogue with the ULFA leaders. Only civil
society activists acceptable to both the Centre and the ULFA leadership
are appointed as members of People’s Consultative Group.
Ironically, in February, 2008, PCG member and a prominent human
rights activist Lachit Bordolai himself was arrested under the NSA by
the Assam police in connection with an ULFA plot to hijack a plane
from Guwahati to Pakistan in 2007. Another PCG member Hiranya
Saikya was also arrested by the Assam police under the Unlawful
Activities (Prevention) Act on 22nd. June, 2008 for acting as a conduit
for communicating messages and instructions from the ULFA top brass
to the field activists. In fact all the civil society activists nominated to
the People's Consultative Group (PCG), including noted writer Indira
Goswami, and accepted as mediators by the government are found to
have close links with the activities of the ULFA.
Rajinder Sachar:
Civil society activist and retired chief justice of Delhi High Court
Rajinder Sachar, through his Sachar Committee report on the status of
Muslims in India had tried to convince the whole world that the
Muslims in India are mostly poor, backward and illiterate as there is
wide-spread discrimination against them in the fields of education and
employment. The report further said that their percentage in government
service is disproportionately low and in the security agencies, it is even
further lower. He used cooked up data, lies and half truths to arrive at
this conclusion. The extent of damage done to the country by this report
can be verified from the coverage of 2008 Mumbai attacks by the
international media. While commenting on the event, a substantial
section of the western media extensively quoted from the Sachar
Committee report to justify the terror attacks in Mumbai as a sort of
retaliation for the ill-treatment of Muslims in India . Sachar, who is a
supporter of various militant movements in India had organized press
conferences in the past to condemn the arrest of Maoist leaders like
Arun Pareria and Maoist supporters like Dr.Binayak Sen. In January,
2000, when Naga under ground leader Th. Muivah was arrested by
Thailand police for traveling from Karachi to Bangkok on a fake
passport, Rajinder Sachar had air-dashed to Bangkok to express his
support and solidarity with the arrested Naga leader.
From the brief account given above about the so-called civil society
activists in India, it is unmistakably clear that all the core activists of the
civil society are simply a bunch of anti-nationals who are cultivated by
certain western agencies to work as a fifth column to promote
fissiparous tendencies in India. These activists do not believe in
nationalism or national boundaries. In fact they do not even believe in
the concept of India as a nation state. Their argument is that India was
never a united and independent entity in the past and this
conglomeration of warring kingdoms were brought together by the
British for administrative convenience. They believe that India is still a
conglomeration of different nationalities, who are kept suppressed by the
brutal state power. Supported by the western lobby, these activists
believe that several states in India are on the verge of a civil war and it is
their duty to help the different nationalities in India to achieve their goal
of independence. It is in accordance with such a dangerous doctrine that
the civil society activists are indulging in various disruptive and
antinational activities in India , as stated below.
The civil society activists support all militant and secessionist
movements in India , like Islamic militancy, ULFA, Maoist movement,
Kashmiri separatists, etc.
They are opposed to India ’s nuclear and space programmes.
They are opposed to all development projects in India .
They are against allocation of more funds for strengthening our armed
They promote militancy among the Adivasis and Dalits and also try to
create differences and clashes between Dalits and upper caste people in
the country.
They try to defame all nationalist forces in the country.
They particularly target Narendra Modi, a highly popular and dynamic
leader and an efficient administrator who has the potential to become a
strong and popular prime minister of India .
They are opposed to all stringent and effective laws meant to curb
Civil society leader Rajinder Sachar was the main speaker at a
convention organized by the left extremists and civil society activists in
New Delhi on April 15, 2010, to condemn the genocidal war crimes
perpetrated by the Sri Lankan government on Tamils in Sri Lanka and
India ’s indifference to the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils. One of the
resolutions unanimously passed by the convention is reproduced below.
“The House condemns the Indian state’s war on the various nationalities
fighting for self-determination”.
This resolution clearly shows that the civil society activists consider
people in all insurgency-affected states in India as different nationalities
and they have no inhibition or qualms of conscience in declaring their
open, unambiguous and unashamed support for the various militant and
secessionist movements in the country. It is in such a camp of fifth
columnists that Anna Hazare has landed up now.
Conspiracy behind Anna Hazare’s “Fast unto death” agitation
Anna Hazare’s “Fast unto death” agitation in Delhi from April 5, 2011
was the result of a big conspiracy hatched by the civil society activists,
pro-western English media and the National Advisory Council. The 2G,
CWG and other scams and also the corruption charges raised by former
Union Minister Subramanyam Swami directly against Sonia Gandhi had
all sullied the image of the UPA government very badly and the UPA
had started losing by-elections in different states. Baba Ramdev’s anticorruption
campaign was also gaining momentum. Addressing a
mammoth rally against corruption organized by Ramdev’s supporters in
New Delhi on February 27, 2011, Ramdev had openly attacked the
Congress for encouraging corruption in India . Ramdev had planned
more such rallies and the Congress leadership was clearly unnerved.
They knew that something had to be done urgently to divert the attention
of the people and to neutralize Baba Ramdev’s campaign against
corruption and black money. The civil society activists who came to the
rescue of Sonia Gandhi then used Anna Hazare to launch a ‘fast unto
death’ agitation demanding a stronger Lokpal Bill with inclusion of civil
society members in the drafting committee and assuring Hazare national
level mobilization of support for him by the vast and powerful network
of civil society activists. The agitation that lasted for five days had an
electrifying effect on the nation because of the unprecedented projection
it got from the press and electronic media. The civil society activists
organized protest demonstrations, dharnas, hunger strike and meetings in
all major cities in India in support of Hazare’s agitation in Delhi . People
in the cities were glued to different TV channels to know the latest
development over Hazare’s fast. The hysteria created by the media over
Hazare’s fast elevated him to the status of a national icon and he seemed
to enjoy it. He probably started having hallucinations about becoming
another Mahatma as indicated by his comment that had he continued his
fast for another three or four days, the UPA government would have
collapsed. Whatever it may be, the five-day ‘fast unto death’ agitation
planned and executed by the civil society activists was a bigger success
than they hoped for as it helped to divert people’s attention from various
scams to the controversial Lokpal Bill relegating the issue of corruption
to the back seat. It also gave a big boost to Hazare’s personal image
placating him and cementing his integration into the civil society club
and cleared the way for the adoption of a stronger and more draconian
Lokpal Bill. The five-day drama also showed how Anna Hazare has
already become a prisoner of the so-called civil society. Anna Hazare
during one of his interactive sessions with the newsmen at his agitational
venue in Delhi had praised the development work done by chief
ministers Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar in their respective states.
The civil society activists like Medha Patkar and Harsh Mander had
immediately taken objection to Hazare’s praise for Narendra Modi and
drawing his attention to the role of Modi in the genocide of Muslims
during the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat . Anna Hazare subsequently
was forced to issue a clarification stating that he had only praised
Modi’s development work in Gujarat , and not his role in dealing with
the riots.
Media’s role
A substantial section of the English media, both the press and electronic,
under the influence of certain western agencies has always been
supporting all anti-social elements and forces in the country for the past
few years. Such biased sections of media had unashamedly supported
Maoist movement, Kashmiri separatists, Islamic militants, etc, in the
past. It is the same section of media which went out of the way to project
Anna Hazare as a new messiah of the people and ensured the success of
his ‘fast unto death’ agitation, which makes its intentions suspect. Where
was this media, when Baba Ramdev addressed a massive gathering in
Delhi on February 27th this year as part of his drive against corruption
and black money? It got hardly any mention in the media. The media
which helped to elevate Anna Hazare to the status of a national icon also
helped the civil society crooks to hijack the anti-corruption drive of
Baba Ramdev, using Anna Hazare. The civil society activists were also
able to snatch a major role in drafting the Lokpal Bill and ensuring
majority representation for them in the proposed all-powerful institution
of Lokpal.
Jan Lokpal bill
The proposed Jan Lokpal bill, if accepted in the present form as drafted
by the civil society activists, will be the most draconian piece of
legislation. The bill demands that the members of the Lokpal be
conferred with judicial and police powers. They also want the Supreme
Court and Prime Minister also to be brought under the purview of the
Lokpal. If this demand is accepted, the monster called Lokpal will have
the power to dismiss even the Prime Minister and the chief justice of the
Supreme Court. A selection panel comprising of following dignitaries
will appoint the members of the Lokpal.
1) Chairpersons of both Houses of Parliament
2) Two senior most judges of Supreme Court
3) Two senior most chief justices of High Court
4) All Nobel Laureates of Indian origin
5) Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission
6) Last two Magsaysay Award winners of Indian origin
7) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
8) Chief Election Commissioner
9) Bharat Ratna Award winners.
If these are the guidelines for constituting the selection panel, then most
of the members in Lokpal will be the nominees of the civil society. What
better prescription is there for the decimation of India as a nation state.
The inclusion of Nobel Laureates of Indian origin and last two
Magsaysay Award winners of Indian origin in the selection panel is
interesting. Past experience shows that only nominees approved by the
U.S. government can win the Nobel Prize. For instance, though many
ardent fans of Mahatma Gandhi have won the Nobel Peace Prize,
Gandhi himself was denied this honour despite being nominated five
times and short-listed thrice. Gandhi, who showed the world that
anything can be achieved through ‘satyagrah’ and non-violence was
nominated for the award in 1937, 1938, 1939,1947 and a few days
before he was martyred in January 1948. Similarly, India ’s first prime
minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, also failed to win the Nobel Prize, though he
was nominated for this coveted award 11 times. Probably the socialist
views of Nehru and Gandhi’s criticism against the conversion activities
of Christian missionaries were not to the liking of the Nobel Committee
and the U S. While Gandhi and Nehru were denied the Nobel Peace
Prize, those who won the Nobel Peace award include the master
manipulator and war monger Henry Kissinger (1973), PLO leader and a
terrorist Yasser Arafat (1994) and Mikhail Gorbachev (1990) who
presided over the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The fact that some
CIA-linked human rights organizations who support Maoist movement
in India could mobilize the support of 44 Nobel Laureates to demand the
immediate release of Dr.Binayak Sen, a jailed pro-Maoist human rights
activist of Chattisgarh, further confirms the continued loyalty of Nobel
Laureates to the various US agencies.
As far as the Magsaysay Award winners are concerned, this award is an
American award for Asians. These annual awards given to Asians under
different categories, were constituted in 1957 by the Rockefeller
Foundation in memory of Ramon Magsaysay, the former President of
Philippines. The Magsaysay awards were earlier given to eligible people
in five categories. In 2000, a new category, called emergent leadership,
was introduced with the financial support from Ford Foundation and
Aruna Roy of India was the first recipient of this category. The
Magsaysay awards now appear to be reserved for only civil society
activists or their nominees, as can be seen from the appended list of
awardees since 2000.
Year Winner
2000 Aruna Roy, a civil society activist.
2001 Rajendra Singh -do-
2002 Sandeep Pandey -do-
2003 J.M.Lyngdoh, a former chief election commissioner who
after the Gujarat riots in 2002, postponed the state assembly elections in
Gujarat despite opposition from Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
2004 Admiral (Rtd) L.Ramdas, civil society activist
2005 V,Shanta, a nominee of civil society.
2006 Aravind Kejrival, civil society activist.
2007 P.Sainath, a supporter of civil society.
2008 Dr.Prakash Amte and
Dr.Mandakini Amte, civil society activists.
2009 Deepti Joshi -do-
Truth about Anna Hazare’s “ India Against Corruption” movement
The recent anti-corruption campaign and the “fast unto death” agitation
planned and executed by the civil society activists using Anna Hazare as
a tool was a big fraud committed by the so-called civil society activists
on the innocent people of India to get an all-powerful ’Lokpal’ Bill
passed. The proposed Lokpal Bill seeks to undermine the authority of
even the Supreme Court of India, which amounts to a change in the
basic structure of our constitution. All core activists of the civil society
enjoy the patronage of Sonia Gandhi. The National Advisory Council
(NAC) is a representative body of the civil society activists. Ten of the
14 members in the NAC are civil society activists and other four are
supporters of the civil society. Sonia Gandhi who controls the UPA
government is also the chairperson of the NAC. Herein lies the great
deception. There is no difference between the civil society activists and
Sonia’s NAC members. Hence the proposed Lokpal institution is likely
to be dominated by the minions of Sonia Gandhi. This will be disastrous.
Since the civil society leaders want the break up of India , all nationalist
leaders and institutions will be the first target of the proposed Lokpal.
The only way to save the situation is to stop the Lokpal Bill all together.
The ‘Lokpal’ could be a good and effective institution only if it is
brought under the control of the Supreme Court, only impartial and
eminent citizens or judges are inducted into it and all civil society
activists are kept out of it.
The public anger against corruption was ignited first by the explosion
caused by the 2G spectrum scam involving a huge loss of more than
Rs.170000 crore to the exchequer. More such scams as brought to light
by the CWG scam and Adarsh Society scam, etc. involving huge losses
to the exchequer and other irregularities further enraged the masses and
their anger was mainly directed against UPA ministers and other party
leaders who were involved in those scams. Under such circumstances
when Anna Hazare started his “India Against Corruption” movement, it
got overwhelming support from the people. The media, both the press
and electronic, went out of the way to project Hazare as a national icon,
some of them going to the extent of describing him as a second
‘Mahatma’ in the making. The continued projection of Anna Hazare’s
‘fast unto death’ agitation demanding a stronger Lokpal Bill suddenly
diverted the focus of public attention from the mega scams to the Lokpal
Bill giving a much needed respite to the UPA government. Thus the civil
society activists with the help of a biased media not only bailed out the
UPA government from the scam attack but paved the way for creation of
the monstrous and civil society-dominated Lokpal which is certain to be
misused by the civil society activists to achieve their sinister objectives.
Anna Hazare has done immense harm to the country by aligning with
the civil society activists. He has cheated the people and betrayed the
country by becoming a party to the evil designs of the civil society. Just
as Kiran Bedi was lured into the civil society club with the bait of
Ramon Magsaysay award and a 94-minute documentary on Ms. Bedi,
Anna Hazare also seems to have been lured into the civil society camp
with the bait of prospects of becoming a national icon and a second
‘Mahatma’. If Anna Hazare continues to be associated with the so-called
civil society activists, he will soon be proved to be a fake Mahatma. and
a poor judge of people.
Civil Society Groups, an international menace
The civil society organizations are promoted, funded and controlled by
certain western intelligence agencies, Corporate Houses and
Foundations and Christian funding agencies to protect the interests of
the US and its NATO allies and the church all over the world. The
sinister activities of these groups are not confined to India alone. These
groups are active in almost all countries in the world including Russia
and China . However their assignments differ from one country to other
depending upon the strategic interests of the western lobby in a
particular country and the political affiliation of the ruling regime in that
country. For instance, in authoritarian countries like China , Cuba and
Venezuela , the objective of these groups is to cultivate a congenial
atmosphere for the overthrow of the ruling regimes. In Russia , Prime
Minister Putin is using some stringent laws introduced by him when he
was the president, to curb the subversive activities of the civil society
groups. In China , there are severe restrictions on civil society groups
and a number of such groups were banned in the past. Liu Xiaobo, a
Chinese national who won the Nobel Prize for peace in 2010, is a civil
society activist of China . He is presently undergoing a 11-year jail term
in China for his alleged subversive activities. After the decimation of the
LTTE, Sri Lanka is at last free from the three-decade old civil war and
terrorism. But the civil society activists in Sri Lanka are accusing
President Mahindra Rajapakse of genocide of thousands of innocent
Tamils during the final phase of the war and calling for his trial by an
international court for war crimes. In this regard, they have the backing
of the United Nations, which has been reduced to a tool of USA and its
allies for promoting their interests all over the world. In India , the civil
society groups support the UPA government as it is a friendly political
regime, controlled by some pro-US elements. Two main objectives of
the so-called civil society in India are to promote Christianity and to
encourage and support all militant and insurgency movements in India
with the ultimate objective of a Soviet Union-type break-up of India into
ten or fifteen independent smaller countries, which will serve the
strategic interests of the USA . A big country like India with the second
largest population in the world and fast-growing economy will be a big
threat to America ’s economic and military domination of the world.
Hence the civil society is used by the U.S. and its allies to destabilize
India by promoting all militant and secessionist activities, stalling all big
development projects and encouraging continued inflow of illegal
migrants into the country. Thus we have to realize that the so-called civil
society is a bigger threat to the unity and integrity of India than
corruption and hence both these threats need to be neutralized with all
our might.
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