With nothing more than highly suspicious "evidence" of alleged "crimes against humanity" NATO (the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) massacred thousands of innocent civilians of a free and sovereign nation and executed their popular leader Muammar Gaddafi. The real reason for Gaddafi's death was that he dared to stand up to the financial terrorists who control the IMF and the World Bank.
Gaddafi freed Libya from perpetual poverty by refusing to borrow from the international banking cartel, nationalizing Libya's oil production for the benefit of its own citizens and by providing free education, healthcare and electricity to every Libyan citizen. All Libyans received annual dividends from Libyan oil revenues worth thousands of dollars each year, gas was only $0.14 a litre, plus newly weds were given $50,000 to help them purchase a home, plus the government paid 50% of the cost of a new car.
Under Gaddafi, Libya's literacy rate went from less than 20% to over 80%. Gaddafi believed that housing was a human right. He pledged, and carried through on his promise, to house all Libyans before he housed his own parents (his father died while still living in a tent).
Gaddafi had also nearly completed a mammoth engineering project to bring fresh water from a huge underground aquifer to the surface to irrigate and create new farmland. People willing to learn farming were given free land to use, equipment, livestock and seeds for the project. Gaddafi's Great Man-Made River project was acknowledged in the 2008 Guinness World Records as being the world's largest irrigation project. Gaddafi called it the eighth wonder of the world and he financed it entirely without foreign capital.
Libya was debt free and beholden to no foreign interests. Usury was illegal and all loans were made interest-free through Libya's state-owned central bank. Gaddafi was also trying to introduce a new gold-based currency (the Gold African Dinar) throughout Africa to replace Africa's dependence on the US dollar. If Libya's plans for financial independence spread throughout Africa, the power of the IMF and World Bank to control the conditions of life on this planet would be in serious jeopardy. If he was allowed to continue with his plans, the world would soon begin to understand the Libyan economic miracle that Gaddafi had already achieved.
On July 1, 2011, 1.7 million people, or roughly 95% of the population of Tripoli, assembled in Tripoli's Green Square to protest the NATO bombing of Libya and the attacks against their leader. Watch this video and ask yourself, would a hated leader dare to travel so freely and unprotected through the streets of Tripoli?